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Đồng hồ đo lưu lượng metal tube
Ứng dụng để đo lưu lượng chất lỏng, khí, hơi nước:
Đo chất lỏng: Các chất lỏng sạch, ko dẫn điện như nước RO, nước cất, các dung môi gốc hydro carbon...
Đo khí: Khí nén, khí GAS, hơi bão hòa.
Tecnical specificactions
Available for all flow directions
SC250 model: installation in vertical pipes with upwards flow
SC250V model: installation in vertical pipes with upwards (to increase the flow capacity) and downwards flow
SC250H model: installation in horizontal pipes
Indicator housing in aluminium
Available in SS 316L or PP on request
Measuring range
2,5 l/h … 180 m3/h H2O
75 Nl/h … 5500 Nm3/h air
±2,5% f.s. (+-1,6% f.s. on request)
SC250 DN15 … DN150
SC250H…V/ SM250 DN15 … DN80
DIN flanges. Other flange standards on request (ANSI, JIS…)
Threaded connections BSP or NPT
Sanitary connections according to CLAMP ISO 2852, SMS 1145, DIN 11851 (others on demand)
EN 1.4404 (SS 316L), Hastelloy C, PVC, PP, PTFE, Titanium
adjustable switches (micro-switch or inductive sensor)
Electronic transmitter with 4-20 analog output for safe or hazardous area (Ex ia IIC T4 or T6 protection, ATEX certified)
HART ™ protocol on request
Local volume totalizer. Remote volumen totalizar by means of pulse output (not available for Ex transmitters)